List in Japanese see below

Miwa Negoro on Magic Maids by Eisa Jocson & Venuri Perera, “A Magic Broom Ritual for Unruly Rebellion,” TQW Magazine, 2024.

Miwa Negoro, “Dismantle the Normativity: Design Thinking With Intersectionality,” ed. Koji Ichikawa, Yutaro Muraji, New Words to Renew Architecture, TOTO Publishing, 2024, pp.114-119.

Shin Aiba, Taro Igarashi, Miwa Negoro, Shoko Fukuya, Naoko Nishikawa, “Roundtable discussion: Architecture and Gender," Architecture Journal, No.1351, 2024, pp.8-13. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Architecture as a Hybrid Archive Where the Past and the Present Encounter: Sumayya Vally’s Spatial Practice of Gathering,“ Architecture Journal, No.1351, 2024, pp.17-19. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, Akihiko Iwasa, “Resetting the Gaze: Once Again, Thinking about Architecture from a Gender Perspective,” Journal of architecture and building science, 138(1782), 2023. pp.10-11. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Revisiting the Discourse on Architecture, Space, and Gender: From the 1970s to the Present” (Essay series: Rethinking Architecture and Gender 1), Kenchikutoron, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Possibilities of Feminist Spatial Practices” (Essay series: Rethinking Architecture and Gender 2), Kenchikutoron, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Writing Architectural Histories as Collaboration and Shared Knowing” (Essay series: Rethinking Architecture and Gender 3), Kenchikutoron, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Architecture of Caring With: Intersection of Climate Justice and Gender” (Essay series: Rethinking Architecture and Gender 4), Kenchikutoron, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Why Architecture Needs Decolonial Thinking Too” (Essay series: Rethinking Architecture and Gender 5), Kenchikutoron, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Rethinking Domesticity and Queering as Methodology” (Essay series: Rethinking Architecture and Gender 6), Kenchikutoron, Architectural Institute of Japan, 2023. [in Japanese]

“Curating that Disorients Us: Resistance against Straight Thinking and Towards a Coalition of Transcending Bodies,“ Multiple Spirits vol.3 Some light is ambition Some light wandering, 2023.

Miwa Negoro, ”Note after the trialogue: Publicness and Gender Norm in Museums” in Mai Endo, Scraps of Defending Reanimated Marilyn, oar press, 2023.

Mika Maruyama, Miwa Negoro, “Revisiting ‘Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex’ by Kimberlé Crenshaw,” Gendai Shisou, 50(5), 2022, pp.48-63. [in Japanese]

Miwa Negoro, “Journey with Mitsouko and Mitsuko” (excerpt), The Arts of the Working Class Issue No 21: TOURISM AND FORCED DISPLACEMENT, 2022

Words That We Resist: Proposition on the Collective Practice of Kritzel” for Fanni Futterknecht’s Power to the Unspoken: Echoes of Resistance, Kunstraum Niederösterreich, 2021.

Giovanna Bragaglia, Miwa Negoro, Camile Regli, “I might be wrong: Focus on Off-Spaces—Unravelling Success in a Discursive Series,” OnCurating, Issue 48, 2020.

Miwa Negoro, “Poetics of Topological Secrecy: An Interview with Lukas Sander,” OnCurating, Issue 41, 2019.

[Editorial work]

Michikazu Matsune, How did you sleep last night?, ed. Miwa Negoro, Brian Haman, 2024.

Ed. Miwa Negoro, Matsune Michikazu, Notes for Mitsouko & Mitsuko, studio Matsune, 2021. (accompanying the performance premiered at the Wiener Festwochen 2021)

[Translation (English into Japanese)] selected

Nick Srnicek, Helen Hester, trans. Mika Maruyama, Miwa Negoro, “At Home with Platform Capitalism,” ed. Koichiro Osaka, Mariko Mikami, 0-eA journal vol.1: Accelerating East, 0-eA, 2023, 19-33.

Translation and research project for contemporary artistic practices by Miwa Negoro & Mika Maruyama (2019-, published on Multiple Spirits)

Abridged Japanese translation of Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics,” The University of Chicago Legal Forum 140, 1989, 139-167.

Abridged Japanese translation of Hyunjin Kim, “History Has Failed Us, but No Matter,” History Has Failed Us, but No Matter. The Korean Pavilion – 58th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Mousse Publishing, 2019, 6-23.

Abridged Japanese translation of Jasbir Pur, Queer Times, Queer Assemblages, Social Text, Vol. 23, 2005, 84-85.

Japanese translation of Nikita Yingqian Cai, “Neither black / red / yellow nor woman,” Multiple Spirits, vol.3, 2023, 108-119.

Titles below are listed in Japanese when published in Japanese

Miwa Negoro on Magic Maids by Eisa Jocson & Venuri Perera, “A Magic Broom Ritual for Unruly Rebellion,” TQW Magazine, 2024.

「規範を解体する:インターセクショナリティを考慮したデザイン思考」市川 紘司・連 勇太朗編『建築をあたらしくする言葉』TOTO Publishing, 2024, pp.114-119.

饗庭 伸, 五十嵐 太郎, 根来 美和, 福屋 粧子, 西川 直子.「座談会 建築とジェンダー」『建築ジャーナル』1351号, 2024, pp.8-13.

根来美和.「過去と現在が邂逅するハイブリッドなアーカイブとしての建築 : スマヤ・ヴァリーによる「集まり」の空間実践」『建築ジャーナル』1351号, 2024, pp.17-19.








論考「定位を揺るがすキュレーション——直線思考への抵抗と越境する身体の連帯を求めて」『Multiple Spirits vol.3 ある光は野望 ある光は彷徨う』2023

遠藤麻衣「Scraps of Defending Reanimated Marilyn」(oar press、2023)にて、鼎談「ヌード表現の歴史と、あくまで特殊な場所としての美術館 」に参加、鼎談後記「美術館の公共性と性規範をめぐって」を寄稿

根来美和、丸山美佳共著「複層的な交差点の時空間として捉える――クレンショー「人種と性の交差点を脱周縁化する」(一九八九)再読 」『現代思想』2022年5月号 特集=インターセクショナリティ

“Journey with Mitsouko and Mitsuko” (excerpt), The Arts of the Working Class Issue No 21: TOURISM AND FORCED DISPLACEMENT, 2022.

Words That We Resist: Proposition on the Collective Practice of Kritzel” for Fanni Futterknecht’s Power to the Unspoken: Echoes of Resistance, Kunstraum Niederösterreich, 2021.

Giovanna Bragaglia, Miwa Negoro, Camile Regli, “I might be wrong: Focus on Off-Spaces—Unravelling Success in a Discursive Series,” OnCurating, Issue 48, 2020.

Miwa Negoro, “Poetics of Topological Secrecy: An Interview with Lukas Sander,” OnCurating, Issue 41, 2019.


Michikazu Matsune, How did you sleep last night?, ed. Miwa Negoro, Brian Haman, 2024.

Ed. Miwa Negoro, Matsune Michikazu, Notes for Mitsouko & Mitsuko, studio Matsune, 2021. (accompanying the performance premiered at the Wiener Festwochen 2021)


根来美和・丸山美佳訳、ニック・スルネック&ヘレン・ヘスター「プラットフォーム資本主義とともにある家で」(大坂紘一郎・三上真理子編『0-eA journal vol.1:加速する東洋』、0-eA、2023年、19-33頁)

根来美和と丸山美佳による現代の芸術実践に重要な論文やテキストの勉強・研究・翻訳プロジェクト(2019年〜、Multiple Spiritsにて公開中)

1. キンバリー・クレンショー「人種と性の交差点を脱周縁化する:反差別の教義、フェミニスト理論、反人種差別主義政治に対するブラック・フェミニスト批評 (Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics)」(『The University of Chicago Legal Forum 140』 139-167頁 、1989年)抄訳

2. キム・ヒョンジン「History Has Failed Us, but No Matter」(ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレ韓国館展覧会カタログ『History Has Failed Us, but No Matter』Mousse Publishing、2019年、6-23頁)抄訳

3. ジャスビル・K・プア「Queer Times, Queer Assemblages」(『Social Text』 Vol. 23、84-85頁、2005年)抄訳

4. 蔡影茜「ブラック/レッド/イエローでもなく、女でもなく」(『Multiple Spirits vol.3』 2023年、108-119頁)