Miwa Negoro, Akihiko Iwasa, “Resetting the Gaze: Once Again, Thinking about Architecture from a Gender Perspective,” Journal of architecture and building science, 138(1782), 2023. pp.10-11. [in Japanese]
Ed. Miwa Negoro, Matsune Michikazu, Notes for Mitsouko & Mitsuko, studio Matsune, 2021. (accompanying the performance premiered at the Wiener Festwochen 2021)
[Translation (English into Japanese)] selected
Nick Srnicek, Helen Hester, trans. Mika Maruyama, Miwa Negoro, “At Home with Platform Capitalism,” ed. Koichiro Osaka, Mariko Mikami, 0-eA journal vol.1: Accelerating East, 0-eA, 2023, 19-33.
Translation and research project for contemporary artistic practices by Miwa Negoro & Mika Maruyama (2019-, published on Multiple Spirits)
Abridged Japanese translation of Kimberlé Crenshaw, “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics,” The University of Chicago Legal Forum 140, 1989, 139-167.
Abridged Japanese translation of Hyunjin Kim, “History Has Failed Us, but No Matter,” History Has Failed Us, but No Matter. The Korean Pavilion – 58th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, Mousse Publishing, 2019, 6-23.
Abridged Japanese translation of Jasbir Pur, Queer Times, Queer Assemblages, Social Text, Vol. 23, 2005, 84-85.
Japanese translation of Nikita Yingqian Cai, “Neither black / red / yellow nor woman,” Multiple Spirits, vol.3, 2023, 108-119.
Titles below are listed in Japanese when published in Japanese
Ed. Miwa Negoro, Matsune Michikazu, Notes for Mitsouko & Mitsuko, studio Matsune, 2021. (accompanying the performance premiered at the Wiener Festwochen 2021)